Field Museum’s 50 Best Quadrupeds

Field Museum's 50 Best Quadrupeds

The Field Museum in Chicago produced this edition in partnership with Oppenheimer Editions using the museum’s superb copy of the Imperial Folio edition of Audubon’s animals. Full-sized reproductions were produced using Giclée digital printing. The end result is a near-perfect reproduction of each original with exquisite detail and color. The edition is strictly limited to 300 copies overall, with 150 copies reserved to be sold in sets of fifty plates and 150 copies available as individual prints. The prints measure 28 inches x 22 inches and were made on Somerset velvet, an archival cotton rag watercolor paper imported from England. The bottom right corner of each print bears the Oppenheimer Editions embossed stamp while the verso is stamped, numbered and signed by The Field Museum Librarian. Below is a list of images. Prices range from $400 to $1200. Contact me for a photo and current pricing for the print of your choice.

PL 1 Common American Wild Cat
PL 3 Townsend’s Rocky Mountain Hare
PL 8 Chipping Squirrel-Hackee
PL 11 Northern Hare Summer
PL 12 Northern Hare, Winter
PL 15 Oregon Flying Squirrel
PL 16 Canada Lynx
PL 21 Grey Fox
PL 22 Grey Rabbit, old and young
PL 26 The Wolverine
PL 30 Cotton Rat
PL 31 Collared Peccary
PL 32 Polar Hare
PL 33 Mink
PL 36 Canada Porcupine
PL 37 Swamp Hare
PL 42 Common American Skunk
PL 46 American Beaver
PL 47 American Badger
PL 52 Swift Fox
PL 56 American Bison
PL 57 American Bison or Buffalo
PL 61 Raccoon
PL 62 American Elk- Wapiti Deer
PL 66 Virginian Opossum

PL 67 Black American Wolf
PL 68 Fox Squirrel
PL 71 Prairie Wolf
PL 76 Moose Deer
PL 81 Common American Deer
PL 82 Red Texan Wolf
PL 86 Ocelot or Leopard-cat
PL 89 Say’s Squirrel
PL 90 Common Mouse
PL 91 Polar Bear
PL 93 Black Footed Ferret
PL 97 The Cougar, female and young
PL 101 The Jaguar
PL 102 Large Tailed Skunk
PL 116 American Black or Silver Fox
PL 121 Arctic Fox
PL 127 Cinnamon Bear
PL 128 Rocky Mountain Goat
PL 131 Grizzly Bear
PL 132 Hare Indian Dog
PL 133 Texan Hare
PL 136 Common or Virginian Deer
PL 137 Sea Otter
PL 141 American Black Bear
PL 146 Nine-banded Armadillo