Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

My goal with this statement is to tell you in simple language my policies about privacy. My own privacy is important to me, and protecting your privacy is of the greatest concern to me. I do not sell or trade your personal information with any other company or person. The personal information you provide to me is not shared by me with third parties except for the purposes of fulfilling my side of our business transactions.

I may use non-identifying information I receive from you when trying to locate items you have asked about for possible purchase. I use information I receive from you to process your payment and to ship any purchases to you. I do not retain or store your credit card information after I process your payment.

I may use information from you to arrange shipments with certain carriers (including the US Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx) to ensure you receive your purchases. I may provide your email address to the carrier so the carrier can automatically send you tracking or other information about my shipment to you. In order to speed the process of shipping, I may store your contact information (address, telephone, and email address) in the “address books” in my online accounts with these carriers.

When you browse this web site, you do so anonymously. Personal information is not collected unless you provide it through the contact form or email (in which case I may retain the information in my email account in order to respond to you and have a record of our exchanges). Your browser provides information automatically (e.g., the type of computer and operating system you are using). The IP address of the computer you use at the time you browse (the Internet address of your computer) may be logged. This data can provide an idea of the parts of the web site you visit and how long you spend there. This data collection may involve the storage of one or more cookies on your computer, which you can turn off by modifying your Internet browser’s settings.

I may contact you personally with information about me, my business, or new items for sale, based on your stated preferences, your past communications or your past purchases. Such contact is only initiated by me if I have reason to believe you have an interest in this communication. If you request that I not contact you, I will not do so. I do not send out mass emails or maintain a mailing list at this time.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice. If you have any questions about it, please contact me through this website or directly using the information below:, LLC
3213 Duke St PMB #277
Alexandria VA 22314