1st Edition

First Edition (1849-1854)

All prints are from the same first edition set and measure 9-5/8 inches x 7 inches. Prints are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity (COA) and the original text or a copy if the original text is unavailable. I guarantee authenticity, and upon request will include a photocopy of the original title page (shown below) for the volume.

Prints are listed in order of plate number and grouped by volume. To see scans of the actual print for sale, click on the plate number/bird name. Scans provide only a general idea of condition, and can be misleading on certain issues such as paper tone. Please contact me for a detailed condition report for any print, specifying the edition as well as plate number and animal name. Visit the ordering page for answers to questions about my guarantee, methods of payment, shipping, and other policies. If you are interested in a print marked “sold,” please inquire — in most cases I can locate another copy.

Plates 1-50

Plates 51-100

Plates 101-155