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Victor G. Audubon business correspondence – SOLD


A group of documents from 1840 to 1843 relating to a set of the first octavo edition of The Birds of America sold to a Canadian subscriber named G. H. Ryland. The text of each document appears transcribed in italics beneath the document. These papers are clean and in very good condition. It is interesting to have multiple papers related to the same business transaction, and to see the way Victor balances the need to request the money owed with his desire not to alienate the client and the small hope of selling him the Quadrupeds series. $600.

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The first item is a receipt for the first eight parts of the series.

Recd New York May 9, 1840 of Honble G. H. Ryland
Eight dollars, by the hand of Major Laing, for
Audubons Birds of America Nos 1 to 8 inclusive

$8.00 V. G. Audubon

The second document is a letter from Victor to Ryland dated 1842 requesting payment.

Newyork, June 29,1842


May I take the liberty of asking you for
the money on account of the Birds of America,
and at the same time suggesting that if you
forward more than the amount due,
(by way of an advance) it will save us

I have the honor to be
with great respect
your mo obt servant(?)
V. G. Audubon

Hon. G. H. Ryland
[Govt? House] Montreal

This sheet of paper is folded into another sheet that serves as the “envelope.” Victor appears to have addressed it to Montreal. Montreal is crossed out and Quebec written in. The paper is stamped “Forwarded.”


The last document is a longer letter written by Victor to Ryland in 1843.

New York, Jany 28, 1843

Dear Sir

We have for some time had an
account standing against you for sundry
Numbers of the “Birds of America,” which
our agent at Quebec, Mr Martyn, informing
us that he cannot collect or settle with you.

I now, take the liberty of sending you a
statement of the account and we confidently
hope you will immediately remit in the sum
due us (Thirty-nine dollars).

I understand also, that you declined
taking your Copy of the “Quadrupeds of North
America”, when offered to you by Mr. Martyn.

Should it have happened that anything
has been said or done by Mr Martyn, that
you have taken offence at, I should be glad
to be made aware of it, and would take
proper notice thereof – or if otherwise, I should
be pleased to have you take the Copy you
subscribed for, as we know no reason
at present for your declining to do so.

Hoping that you will excuse the plain
manner I have taken of calling your attention
to these matters, and that you will write as

Closing portion of letter (on verso of sheet).

soon as you receive this letter.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your mo Obt Servant
V. G. Audubon

Hon. G. H. Ryland
[etc etc etc?] Quebec

This account of payment received appears on the side of the sheet with the main part of the letter (to the right of the letter text).

Hon. G. H. Ryland

1840 to, 1842. To J. J. Audubon Dr (?)
To Nosx 1 to 67 inclusive 8vo Edition of
the Birds of America”, 67 Nos @ 1$ = $67.–

1840. – Ch….? (Illegible) –
May 9. By Cash ___________ $8.–
1841. Apr 5. ” ditto fr British
agent at New York 20. 28.–
Balance due Mr Audubon $39–

x I am not sure whether Mr Moore the British agent
at New York forwarded you Nos 63 to 67, if not
the balance against you would be only $34.
Do you not wish the remaining numbers
of this work? It is complete in 100 Nos.


V. G. Audubon

The large sheet of paper is folded so that the side opposite the first page of the letter serves as the “envelope.” It is postmarked New York January 28 without year. The address on the second letter is to Ryland at “Government House” in Quebec.